Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Besieged, Bothered and Beleaugured

Uranus, for me, that is.

Yesterday - a holiday, praise the lord, it sextiled the Moon exactly, while Mars advanced on it from one direction and Mercury retreated backwards to it from the opposite, both almost meeting on it in my first house of personality.

The result? I stayed in bed all day watching Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in Jeeves and Wooster, LOLing at least once every fifteen minutes.

Curiouser and curiouser, especially as both cats stayed in bed with me the whole time.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Venus Square Sun

Well I didn't exactly seek out good times and pleasurable activities but they appeared - tennis in the morning for the first time since tearing a rotator cuff falling off the horse in February, with no resultant pain or ache thank you god thank you jesus, and then UpWords at Yankee Creek where I came closer to winning than ever before and back to the house to shiver and attempt to *garden*.

That'll do pig.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Venus to the North Node

Began well by sitting and desktop and looking at latest work in progress, something I haven't done for probably six months. Worked at that for an hour and picked out one of the three versions to focus on and that was that for the rest of the day. Did a bit of this, a bit of that, had a go at something else for ten minutes and dropped it, tried to read The New Yorker but too restless - not good.

Uranus sextile Moon seems to have been going on forever - doesn't perfect for four more days. B&B peeps coming tomorrow which means I HAVE to do something. Maybe I need a job.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Moon on the Ascendant

Leading, of course, combined with Saturday's Sun in the same place, to a new Moon one degree off the Ascendant and perhaps, combined with the upcoming week of supposedly warmer weather, a change in my behavior - from my keyboard to God's ears.

A remarkably busy day yesterday, full of time-consuming and painstaking activities like changing the kitty litter boxes and taking the stark white shoelaces out of my new Camper's Twins and soaking them in coffee to tone them down a bit.

(These ankle boots, yet to be worn, are the only visible evidence of the recent transit of Uranus to the Sun, leaving me slightly deflated at the realization that the truest expression of my most authentic self is to wear shoes that coordinate but do not match exactly. Somehow I had hoped for more.)

However, we take what we can get, and using NOT staying in bed all day reading The New Yorker as the standard, I have great hopes of being able to improve on it. Just how much Mars trine Neptune will get in the way of this ambition remains to be seen, although I can think of not one thing that I can do to help others by remaining prone and reading Talk of the Town.

More will be revealed.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sun on the Ascendant...

… and I excel myself by spending the whole day in bed. OK, so it's in Taurus, and I'm already about as lazy as I ever thought I could be with progressed Venus and Mars both in that sign, but still, with Uranus having just moved on from conjuncting the Sun and about to perfect sextiling the Moon, even a sloth might have been expected to haul itself upright onto the tree branch and have a look around from a different perspective.

The weather WAS lousy - windy, rainy and cold, and come to think of it, I have given myself a new perspective by moving into the B&B room and sleeping in a full size bed instead of being squashed onto the twin one in the little back room, so I think I'll just tell myself everything is happening just the way it should ha ha and congratulate myself on being in complete alignment with the universe. Why not?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Uranus sextile Moon, continued

So I call Triple A because the car won't start and they call my best friends G&G Towing who jump-start the battery and tell me to take the car for a spin for thirty miles or so.
Following their instructions, I set off for Cliff, turn around halfway there and head back to town.

It occurs to me I can take the opportunity to stop off at the police station and ask about the Letter of Conduct I need because my fingerprints didn't take in El Paso when I went to renew my green card last September. I do just that and emerge ten dollars poorer with a piece of paper affirming that I have no criminal record in Silver City, congratulating myself that at least ONE thing has gone right under this blasted transit.

The car doesn't start. I call Triple A again and once we've sorted out that I did indeed call earlier in the day and yes, I am calling yet again, they call G&G who come to get me at the police station. They give me a jump start and off we go to R&L, where I leave the car and G&G, god bless them, give me a ride home.

In theory a new battery will arrive today and I shall see who I can find to get me to R&L to pick up the car.

The temptation to retire to bed and pull the sheet over my head until May 20th is strong.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Last Post Six Weeks Ago

Welcome to Eight-Times-A-Year astrology. Evidently progressed Venus and Mars in Taurus DO make you lazy.

Spoiled for choice here as far as topics go with Uranus sextile the Moon.

Car wouldn't start yesterday and am working myself up to calling AAA so they can call G&G Towing. Good news there is I no longer have to give G&G my address. They recognize my voice.

Finally determined the new phone I bought for hearing impaired people (only one Radio Shack had) doesn't work. Don't have receipt as I bought it a month ago before I went to Cambridge and only just set it up.

Aftermath from switching ISPs continues. New challenge emerges daily.

Biggest concern concerns going to jail ha ha. Having turned Comcast off *my* property last Friday, have since discovered they/it can now return with the sheriff's deputy and give me a citation for refusing them access. To be Continued.