Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mars Square Midheaven

I guess if your natal Mars is in Pisces you're less likely to get yourself in arguments while this is in effect.

Au contraire, I was falling over myself agreeing with anything and everything potential fixer of the sagging back patio canopy was suggesting yesterday, there really being no point whatsoever in my doing anything else as the whole operation is so far beyond my comprehension I may as well dispense with the supposed *consultation* and simply say "There it is. Fix it."

M is kind enough, however, to treat me as an informed client, a persona I make feeble attempts to go along with but blow every time I open my mouth with one of my helpful "Couldn't you just...?" suggestions, every one of which gets a polite, informative and lengthy response which always boils down to "No," hence my "If that's what you think needs to be done please just go ahead and do it" attitude.

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