Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Mercury sextile Sun

 Oh good, I won't be bored today because my mind is going to be sharp, alive and ready for all kinds of experiences. Perhaps when I take the scales I'm returning to the Amazon drop off UPS store we'll all have a jolly laugh when I saw they don't have to be wrapped and the counter person says they do and then the manager (not that there is one) will appear and remind the counter person that items DON'T have to be wrapped for return and she'll say "oh gosh I'm so silly I know this happened last week with this customer and I forgot already" and we'll all have a good laugh over all the things there are to remember in this new techie world we all live in. I bet that's exactly what's going to happen.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sun conjunct Saturn...

 ...while squaring Neptune, thanks to natal chart, and Venus sextile Chiron, all three in effect all day.

Watered the plants before tennis, got to tennis to find seven people, turned around and came straight back to the house. (Little bit of Sun square Neptune there in the avoidance of confrontation with people who always used to play on Mondays and now play Fridays.) 

Picked up from the bare ground some of the cut firewood that's needed picking up for six months and put it in the little woodshed and swept up one bucket's worth of gardening debris in the woodland glen and dumped it behind the wood shed, where it's supposed to form a kind of barrier from the rain if it ever comes. 

Also brought five bricks (tastefully scattered among the firewood) to my little patio so I can raise the *furniture* I dragged down from the Adobe off the ground because I wouldn't want it to get destroyed by the monsoons.

That was the morning and now it's 1:00 pm it's Neptune flat out on the bed time to continue reading Prozac Nation.

As for Venus sextile Chiron, probably no words exchanged with another human today so I am learning how to be my own best friend. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mars conjunct Pluto...

... and there I was at Ace buying myself an inside broom and an outside broom and a dustpan and brush and a toilet brush and holder for my tenant who's been here since Monday and will be here through the first three weeks of July. 

Bugger and blast I wish I kept this up-to-date. Why don't I then?


Monday, June 21, 2021

Moon square Moon

 I mean, come on - how much of an influence can that possibly have, transiting whizzing around moon up there somewhere making angles to where your moon was when you were born - how long does an aspect last? Four hours, five hours?

Friday, June 11, 2021

That Progressed Mars square Progressed Pluto Thing...

 .... that's been going on for the past couple of years and dwindled out in March of this year - THAT thing - that thing that I thought would mean that by its end I'd have thrown out, donated, given away or sold every single thing in the house that I didn't want or need or use...

(The Eternal Dream, of course, the one destined never to be fulfilled, words I'm going to pretend I didn't write as I would still like to do it.)

...that thing promising me an entirely new mode of existence has indeed come through, and my new address is 14B Village Road, of the lavender walls and three high windows, while on "the other side of a hollow-core door" (to quote a review by a BSS renter ) Little Walnut Haven awaits the return for the night of its current airbnb-ers. 

Taken me about three months to work this out.  So far so good though. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mars sextile Chiron

 Blimey - just saw this was exact at 10:25 this morning, just as a woman I was playing tennis with (against, to be precise) asked me why I was being so disagreeable.

"I'm not" I said. "I think it's stupid and I don't see the point but if you want us to all serve from the same side of the court throughout the game it's fine by me." 

To *explain*: there are some in the group of elderly people with whom I play tennis, being an elderly person myself, who complain that the sun gets in their eyes when they serve from a certain end of the court, and so whenever we play tennis (which is always doubles) they insist the server in all of the games play from the same end of the court. None of this silly old staying in place when the score's even and switching sides when it's not. 

Little bit of a warning there, especially as I didn't know it was coming, my obsession with astrology fading. It's been a long time since I sat with the ephemeris (AKA astrodienst) and an engagement book and plotted out a month in advance, but I'm very aware the transiting North Node is sitting on top of natal Uranus in the first right now, and has been for weeks. 

Don't even know when it's exact, but going to check now. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Mars into Fourth...

....just as the dust settles and the Grand Experiment seems to be working out, time to get to work in the old Big Sunny Space, now known as 14B, The Bedsit. Once again poor Pretty Boy's plank gets moved, now that the fridge sits on a stainless steel table instead of the small cupboard it was almost falling off of,  but he's proving to be very adaptable and doesn't seem to mind. 

And as Mars goes into Four, Venus goes into Three, so my everyday surroundings are supposed to be filled with friends and love and amusement and all that Venus stuff, and off I go to tennis to see how many people are playing and if it's seven I leave and go straight to Walmart. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sun and Transiting North Node on Uranus...

 .... and really I don't see too much out of the ordinary happening. Not sure if I *should* be alarmed or not.  Have ordered a couple of pieces of furniture that will make life in my bedsit easier and have begun to organize the closet. Mission: knowing exactly where everything is. Not yet accomplished.