Monday, August 31, 2020

Full Moon on Mars

Not till tomorrow, but of course I've been thinking about it for a week, not that you would know it from this blog. Feels as though there's been a full moon on Mars for weeks, ever since I decided I would stop doing airbnb and live in the whole house by myself and then thought it would be an interesting experiment to move completely into the old airbnb room by myself, stay on airbnb and  rent out the five rooms that used to be mine when I DID do airbnb, beginning September first. The Other Side of Big Sunny. 

It didn't happen and may well never happen - oh, and I was going to rent a space on August 29 at the Women's Club and sell all my Marimekko stuff, but had sense enough to realize there are probably three women here apart from me who know what Marimekko is AND I didn't have a table and if I borrowed one it wouldn't fit in my car so that didn't happen either -  but my using the old space as my bedroom IS happening and the biggest thing yet to do is get a huge counter top installed in a corner so I can have my sewing machine out all the time and maybe even sew. 

When I realized tomorrow's full moon falls directly on my natal Mars I thought perhaps the counter would be installed then, but the hairpin legs it needed weren't due to arrive till September third. Then they DID appear on the back patio on Sunday while I was out, but the friend who's going to install them has another job till Thursday. 

ANOTHER friend is coming over tomorrow to cut up the five railroad ties that have been in the back driveway for more than a year and replace the stone steps I made myself up the old airbnb side of the house, and then those stones are going to be moved to the front of the house at the bottom of the two paths there to make it look a bit better, I hope. 

I also have Sun square Uranus tomorrow. Stay tuned haha. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Whatever It Is Right Now

 I know I *shouldn't* be putting "Take a Shower" on a ToDo list and I haven't done it yet but sometimes in my darkest moments I think it might be coming.

It's not as though I don't have a To-Do list. It's just that every now and again I give in and don't do anything and then more and more things need doing and tag themselves on to the end of the already long list and then there's even more to do and then it's time to go bed and read detective novels. 

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Does tend to slow things down though. Not sure what I can blame it on. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

SaturnR square Mercury

 Second time this year for this, and some sense of relief as it perfects. Weeks of hotter than usual (as though there's a usual) weather and scarcely a drop of rain in what was once Monsoon Season when this corner of New Mexico got most of the rain it got for a year not much help to counterbalance Saturn's relentless demonstration of reality - this is what summers are like now and forget about growing clematis as the leaves do nothing except turn brown and any attempt at new growth or flowering withers on the vine.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sun opposed to Moon

 Time to call this Once-in-a-While Astrology if I can't get my act together. 

Yesterday was a nice little twist to good old Saturn about to square my Mercury from the Tenth: my first entry into *real* adult life by being invited and accepted to be a board member of Literacy Link, the local tutoring program (and much much more) here in Silver. Had I wished, I could have jumped right in and immediately become president but, praise the Lord, I declined the offer, as did the other newly sworn in board member present. 

Only after I was safely unpresidentially back home did it occur to me that I could at least have asked what the president's duties are, but I was so eager not to be it the thought didn't cross my mind at the time. Another month before the next meeting.

Right now, with Venus about to square Neptune and then conjunct Saturn, I'm waiting for the Dish technician to come and install the Hopper for me so I can watch my new smart TV and also waiting for the couple who are coming to look at and I hope buy the wooden cabinet the old 32" non-smart TV used to live in, which is now out on the front porch blocking the light to one of the living room windows. 

Generalized chaos throughout the house here as I turn the old no longer needed airbnb room into my bedroom. More to come, I hope before another week has passed. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sun sextile Uranus

I have no idea why I can no longer link to anything and get "Not Found Error 404" whenever I try. I could make it my day's ambition to figure it out but I think I'll wait till I make the leap to Google Photos and start adding images to this, whenever that may be. In the meantime I'll stick to boring old text.

So yesterday I was supposed to be not very disciplined, which is quite amusing as I haven't been very disciplined since 9/11, and the only time I was was when I was doing airbnb and had to be. Disciplined, that is. 

Now that I've decided I'm not, and am going to live in the whole house all by myself, it's a bit like living in the ruins of an ancient civilization as I go through every room, every cupboard, every closet, every drawer and every nook and cranny of this house and get rid of every single thing I no longer need or want. Any minute now I expect to look under a bed and find Ozymandias's head.

That hasn't turned up yet but what I did find was a scrapbook my elder sister sent to me in probably 1985, with photos of her trip to Scotland - the first holiday she ever took by herself, as her handwritten notes say - and assorted family photos of her children who are now grandparents. She herself might be a great-great. I can't keep track.

It's not something I want to go to Gospel Mission when I'm dead so what I started to do yesterday was go through what's left of my own *family* photos and sort out ones I can add to the scrapbook and send it back to her as a (very) belated birthday present. 

Today's mission, with Mars sextile the Moon, and if I can resist the temptation of being on the lookout for someone with whom I can have a passionate sexual relationship, is to go on with the project and god willing, get it done. Fingers crossed.