Monday, July 31, 2017

Sun Conjunct Pluto

So once again the symbolism is so literal even I, the laziest person in the world these days, am compelled to post.

So what broke down was the Roomba - well, it didn't really break down but the front wheel that propels it on its way to map out my house and tell Google I need a table and two chairs instead of a desk with one in the airbnb room while picking up all the dust and other detritus from the floor was so clogged with cat hair that it could hardly turn - a victim of its own success, as it were.

It's the one part I find difficult to clean. You're supposed to be able to just pull out the little ball, give it a clean and pop it back in but I can never get it out. I did once go online,  look up how to do, and remember it being very easy, but that was a long time ago and what I've been doing for ages is simply pick out what I could with tweezers and leave it permanently semi-clogged. Pluto was having none of that. It was stuck and wouldn't move.

Feeling very grateful that it was the Roomba and not the car or the fridge, I went on line again typing "Clean Rolling Ball on Roomba" into the search box and immediately, there was my answer. It's not just taking out the little roller ball, it's removing the whole housing it sits in and THEN taking the little ball out, cleaning it, putting it back into the housing and replacing the housing, ball and all, into its little hole. Piece o'cake, and with any luck I'll remember that next time and not have to look it up again.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Real Time New Moon on Progressed Ascendant

So if your progressed Ascendant has just gone into Leo and there's a new Moon at 00 Leo, smack on top of it, does it mean anything?

Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Venus Trine Moon

Two posts in a row - give myself a pat on the back here and not say something sarcastic about how long can I keep this up.

The book saga continues - loaded up three bags for the library book sale and took them first to a friend for her to sort through. Went and bought an oil tank cap before I went to her house, having discovered that's why the light on the dashboard is on - NOT true. I discovered the reason the dashboard light is on after I got home, so the real test is to see if the light goes off AFTER I put the cap back on.

Moved out of the bnb room and back into my own little beddie in preparation for someone coming today after an extended black-out period.

Not sure how home and Venusian that all is, but not complaining.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Venus Sextile Sun

OK, I need to rouse myself here and start to post again, and what better than this? Not yet seven in the morning, and a friend is taking a bag of home-grown peaches (I mean, could anything be more Venusian?) to work with her for me to pick up, and in exchange I'm giving her a selection os short stories as I've been on a rampage and throwing out books.

Somehow I survived Pluto square the Sun at the same time as Chiron opposing natal Chiron and realized the life I've let myself fall into, for want of a better expression, isn't enough. I could put it differently and say being a lazy pig doesn't work for me longterm, but a short post will have to do for now. God willing I can get back to posting regularly. Or not.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Mars Square Sun

So off I go to Ace at 8am with the two hoses I am trying to join together  WITHOUT taking the crucial bit I managed to pull off and of course no one can do anything without seeing the bit I didn't take...
Smile sweetly and say I'll go back with the missing bit and of course I don't because by 9am it's too hot to do anything outside until the sun begins to go down, so get the room ready for the new peeps and make an attempt at clearing up the house.
And not too much energy after the labors of the day before to take my mind off the gravel in the driveway costing $800 and the dryer not working after the new boiler was installed and the new wiring for the new boiler costing $400 on top of the $950 for buying and having installed said new boiler...
Think I am beginning to understand Saturn in the Eighth.