Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sun Square Jupiter

It really shouldn't be such an outlandish idea to plan to stop at a fabric store on the way to Palomas to get my permanent new choppers - Deming's an hour away, Palomas two, drive to Deming, stop and get fabric now I finally know how I want to cover the couch, back in the car, drive to Palomas etc. etc.

I mean I wrote down the directions and the phone number, but then when the store turns out not to be where the directions say it was you have to have remembered to take the phone with you for that to be of any help.

I hadn't, so I decided to go to Palomas, get the teeth thing over with and then on the way back through Deming get out of the car and ask people if they knew where Sew and Sew was, but what I didn't count on was having to wait ninety minutes at the dentist to be seen so by the time I got back to Deming it was 5:30 and I didn't bother to stop.

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