Saturday, December 24, 2016

Mars Trine Saturn

Only with this in effect could anyone (me) put the little sticky pad things that they bought weeks ago on the bottoms of the legs of the dining room chairs at 8:30 on Christmas Eve.

Most productive day I've had for ever - even washed the bathroom floor in the bnb room and put on two coats of sealer, not that it looks any different but still I did it.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Saturn Goes into Eight...

... and a friend asks me to print out her last will and testament. Whew!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sun Square Jupiter

It really shouldn't be such an outlandish idea to plan to stop at a fabric store on the way to Palomas to get my permanent new choppers - Deming's an hour away, Palomas two, drive to Deming, stop and get fabric now I finally know how I want to cover the couch, back in the car, drive to Palomas etc. etc.

I mean I wrote down the directions and the phone number, but then when the store turns out not to be where the directions say it was you have to have remembered to take the phone with you for that to be of any help.

I hadn't, so I decided to go to Palomas, get the teeth thing over with and then on the way back through Deming get out of the car and ask people if they knew where Sew and Sew was, but what I didn't count on was having to wait ninety minutes at the dentist to be seen so by the time I got back to Deming it was 5:30 and I didn't bother to stop.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Jupiter Opposed to Sun

Well let's see - does realizing you need an oil change and going straight to Jiffy Lube instead of putting it on a list and thinking about it for days and not doing it and then putting it on a new list because you've scratched out all the other things to do on the original list count as a manifestation of this? 

How about dragging in the big old wooden steps to the front of the house that got replaced years ago and burning them in the fireplace even though they're much too big? (Hint: stick them in diagonally and prop up the three feet that won't fit on the coal scuttle and as they burn move them in inch by inch until they're all gone.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Pluto Square Sun

So here we go - Pluto gets to 16 Cap 05 against my 18 Aries 04 Sun and the Silver City town council in its wisdom would appear to be considering not only charging airbnb operators in the town Lodgers' Tax (fine) and Gross Receipts Tax (not so great) but banning airbnb completely (awful).

More will be revealed.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Saturn Trine the Sun

"At this time the circumstances of your life and your own inner energies are working quite well together. But this influence will not seem especially lucky; rather, your life as a whole will run smoothly, and whatever you do will come out well. Without any special sense of effort, you are actually able to make significant progress and get a great deal done. "

Astrodienst again, of course, that I can't be bothered to link to, Saturn trine the Sun or not, but in spite of all thinking I'm bored (!!!!!!!) with astrology after 20 years I'm still left slowly moving my head back and forth at the mind-boggling completely unexplainable (unless you believe that it works haha) machinations of it all.

Weeks ago I emailed M, Zen Carpenter Extraordinaire and builder of my life-changing closet in the little back room, to see if he might have time in the reasonably near future to take his skills and talent down a couple of dozen notches and install the new blinds for the airbnb room that have been languishing in their Ikea box for months and take care of several other "handyman" tasks that try as I might (and I don't haha) I am totally incapable of doing myself. 

[Addendum: and once again I stopped writing this but suffice it to say <GROAN> M called as the aspect perfected and with no special sense of effort as I did nothing and M did it all, I was actually able to make significant progress and get a great deal done.]

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Sun Opposed to Uranus

So a friend asks me to hook up a new (old) printer and that takes about three minutes as we establish quickly that the printer isn't Mac-compatible.

Onward and upward to searching online for the $21 printer friend has found on Amazon but not bookmarked. Suddenly - no Internet access and we enter the dreaded loop of "please restart your device and continue when it has finished restarting."

Fifteen minutes of this and I realize I can't leave friend with no Internet access - horrors! - and take a deep breath and realize I have to call CenturyLink. This is, shall we say, an older household and a tethered phone has to be brought from another room and plugged in so I can talk to CenturyLink and be able to see the monitor at the same time.

All things considered, we get to a tech quite quickly (only about five minutes of me repeating "Agent, Agent" while being taken through an automated menu) and he tells me to take out the black wire from the modem - done - and then to take out the green DSL wire.

"There is no green DSL wire," I say.
"There must be," he says. "It's a DSL connection."
"There isn't," I say. "There's a yellow ethernet cable."
We repeat the above a couple of times before establishing my friend has had a DSL Internet connection for the four months she has been with CenturyLink without a DSL Internet connection, all working perfectly until Miss Sun-Opposed-to-Uranus made an appearance.

There's more to this, but I stopped writing about six lines ago yesterday and just picked it up this morning, Saturday. O for the discipline to write!