Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mars Trine Jupiter

Aha! This explains the Opening of the Boxes yesterday - the boxes containing four new dining chairs that I bought before I sold the old ones and that have been sitting decoratively in the living room for the past six weeks or so. That was as far as I got - opening the boxes and taking all the bits out but still, it's a start.

And later on, deciding I wasn't going to wait for *someone* to come and fence off the new back yard for me and making at attempt at doing it myself in just one corner, so that the surroundings of the house look more and more like the yard at Restore with mis-matched bits of wire and part of the old front steps all cobbled together in an attempt to keep the deer out, instead of going on with the bits of landscaping I'm supposed to be finishing before winter and adding a new one - oh boy. The difference between rambling and ramshackle is making itself clear.

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