Monday, October 17, 2016

Jupiter sextile Pluto

So there are these two giant stones that have been embedded deep in the driveway near the border of the cactus garden for as long as I've lived here. There was no cactus garden when we bought the house, just a big old ore pot from the mimes sitting in the middle of the driveway, and my encircling that with rocks, of which there are many here,  was the beginnings of the garden.

Over the years I planted agaves - as plentiful here as the rocks - put down weed cloth, covered it with lava rock and it became a handsome centerpiece to the driveway. What I didn't realize when I planted everything was that, er, plants grow, and if they're as suited to the climate as  agaves are and given a drink of water every once in a while as the agaves were they grow big - really big - and if you've planted them too close together as guess who did, before too long - well, in three or four years - you have five massive three feet around agaves crowded together with no hope of being able to dig them out by hand.

Skipping over the details, two weeks ago today a neighbor with a back-hoe dug out three of the larger agaves and planted them elsewhere, leaving me with a cactus garden looking exactly as one would expect a cactus garden to look when a back-hoe just took out three enormous agaves.

A choice now rears its head: go on with this less than enthralling story or go to Geigo and ask for an online quote so I can stop paying the $1,200 a year highway robbery haha car insurance AAA is charging me.

With Mercury currently opposing the sun I shall choose the latter, and with any luck write something on here again before another week has passed.

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