Sunday, October 30, 2016

Transiting South Node conjunct Mars in Pisces

Solitude would seem to be the key word here, solitude in the best way as in being perfectly happy alone and not wanting to do anything that involves other people.

Coincidentally (hah!), even airbnb is cooperating and sending no one my way, a good thing as the airbnb room is currently filled with the four wooden dining chairs I've been attempting to sell for weeks.

The replacement chairs - stools, actually, as attaching their backs seems to require a human bottom sitting on the seat to make inserting a screw upwards easier - huddle under the table in the dining room awaiting the passing of the transit. Wednesday.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Department of Simplistic Truths

Gosh - guess what? If you have had things on a to-do list - or not even on a list, just lurking around in the swamp somewhere, which is probably worse than on a to-do list but never mind - as I said, if you have had stuff that needed doing and you've ignored it for ages and then finally get around to doing it, the feeling of relief and accomplishment is so great that you can hardly believe it and even better, you are spurred on to even do something else!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Jupiter Trine Uranus

So the new chairs got put together apart from the backs - the instructions helpfully suggest having someone sit on the seats while that part gets done to make it easier to apply pressure upwards. So I have four stools and at least the old wooden chairs got photographed and are up on Recycle Grant County for forty dollars less than I put them up on Grant County Goodies for, pardon my syntax.

So then another five hours outside in what I was considering an amazing Indian Summer until yesterday when it was pointed out to me this weather is yet another manifestation of climate change - the upside of the hideous month of July this year and something to remember when I'm lying in front of a fan next July.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Transiting South Node Conjunct Natal Mars in Pisces

The world is too much with me, and all that. Could very happily not see another soul for a week but it's not possible. Have thought of printing out definition of Twelfth House Sun to hand out to non-astrologers but would probably not help.

Mars Trine Jupiter

Aha! This explains the Opening of the Boxes yesterday - the boxes containing four new dining chairs that I bought before I sold the old ones and that have been sitting decoratively in the living room for the past six weeks or so. That was as far as I got - opening the boxes and taking all the bits out but still, it's a start.

And later on, deciding I wasn't going to wait for *someone* to come and fence off the new back yard for me and making at attempt at doing it myself in just one corner, so that the surroundings of the house look more and more like the yard at Restore with mis-matched bits of wire and part of the old front steps all cobbled together in an attempt to keep the deer out, instead of going on with the bits of landscaping I'm supposed to be finishing before winter and adding a new one - oh boy. The difference between rambling and ramshackle is making itself clear.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Jupiter sextile Pluto

So there are these two giant stones that have been embedded deep in the driveway near the border of the cactus garden for as long as I've lived here. There was no cactus garden when we bought the house, just a big old ore pot from the mimes sitting in the middle of the driveway, and my encircling that with rocks, of which there are many here,  was the beginnings of the garden.

Over the years I planted agaves - as plentiful here as the rocks - put down weed cloth, covered it with lava rock and it became a handsome centerpiece to the driveway. What I didn't realize when I planted everything was that, er, plants grow, and if they're as suited to the climate as  agaves are and given a drink of water every once in a while as the agaves were they grow big - really big - and if you've planted them too close together as guess who did, before too long - well, in three or four years - you have five massive three feet around agaves crowded together with no hope of being able to dig them out by hand.

Skipping over the details, two weeks ago today a neighbor with a back-hoe dug out three of the larger agaves and planted them elsewhere, leaving me with a cactus garden looking exactly as one would expect a cactus garden to look when a back-hoe just took out three enormous agaves.

A choice now rears its head: go on with this less than enthralling story or go to Geigo and ask for an online quote so I can stop paying the $1,200 a year highway robbery haha car insurance AAA is charging me.

With Mercury currently opposing the sun I shall choose the latter, and with any luck write something on here again before another week has passed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pluto Square Sun

It's still three degrees away but as it's a once-in-a-lifetime I'm going to try to work with it haha instead of it coming along and blindsiding me.

So - after having a backhoe dig deep down (get it?) underneath three giant agaves I planted too close together in the front of the house, wrench them from the ground and deposit them in deep new holes near the front driveway to the house, I've spent a week now undoing the resulting devastation in the cactus garden, with the past two days spent digging out the crabgrass that had wormed its way under the rocks defining the space and was at some points six inches deep in the caliche.

Deep. Under. Digging. Get it?

And on a less literal note, I am also doing my very best to begin the much more difficult task of rummaging around in the depths of my memory and attempting to get the metaphorical crabgrass roots out of THAT murky swamp, not that crabgrass grows in water, to immediately wander off into a digression as it is here that there be dragons.

Plant sale at Ace! I'm gone.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Venus Square Moon

Amorous mood? Partner? How about eat lunch and then decide the perfect dessert is half a packet of digestive biscuits (now available in Walmart for $2.89 a packet so help me) with butter and apricot "preserves" read jam?

Eaten in bed, of course, because it might rain, and then followed up with a handful of Andes mints which I've now begun to buy for the peeps <hysterical laughter>. Free will? <more hysterical laughter>