Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jupiter Trine the Midheaven - Found the Draft

See last post about losing a draft: found it and it has nothing to do with what I thought it did.  Oh well - for my many followers, here it is, abrupt ending and all:

I was wondering why I was feeling so good, went to Astrodienst that I'm sick of making links to and lo and behold, there's Jupiter making a trine to the MC.

I'm slipping, but I knew that. In the olden days I used to sit with a day planner, go to Astrodienst and write down all the daily and longer-term transits, along with the time of exactitude, for the couple of weeks or month ahead, and be aware of where the Progressed Moon was and all that stuff. I don't think I've done that at all this year, although I must have as I've managed a couple of posts on here and would still desperately like to keep this blog up to date. Not desperately enough to do it, but still.

It was worse when I first *discovered* astrology - the real thing, I mean, not Patric Walker in Town and Country, though he was pretty good, but actually studying with a real astrologer and learning techniques and things. Back then, twenty years ago, I had a three-ring binder and would print out every full and new moon chart with my chart on the outside and have those pages face a two-week calendar and scribble -

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