Monday, August 29, 2016

Venus Conjunct Chiron

So by noon I've eaten half a pound of Tire Track licorice and two hours later a container of Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato has joined it in my stomach AND I DON'T CARE.

In fact I don't care so much I then demolish half a packet of digestive biscuits as Walmart now carry them for $3.98 - might even be $2.98, will check when I'm there later today to replenish stock haha.

And later - more than twelve hours later as at 71 I still can't remember I can't drink coffee in the afternoon - I realize I am never going to set the sewing machine up in the bedroom as I thought I would when I bought the little white desk and I can move all office-y equipment back into the bedroom and reclaim the dining room, which makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me but I DON'T CARE.

And I thought I was losing interest in astrology.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sun in the Fifth...

... and off we went to the races - the Duck Races in Deming that is haha. And there's no help for it - I shall simply have to resort to Picasa so I can get some photos on here, as the DRiD is definitely a case of a picture is worth a thousand words. Ditto the Abode Deli where we went afterwards.

Mercury Conjunct Chiron

Well there was a bit of a healing conversation, at least I hope there was, although my suggestions of what I thought might help a friend didn't seem to go down very well.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sun Sextile Saturn

Blimey - only a few hours of this left to see if I can manage something constructive after the past couple of days of pure idleness. It's all Michael Connelly's fault for writing such beautifully constructed and totally absorbing *crime novels* so I am absolved of all sin.

On the other hand it would be pleasant to see the top of the dining room table again as it's been covered with bits of paper for a week now, all part of the less-than-half-hearted attempt to deal with and organize and file the dreaded hard copy mail, sitting there untouched while I run around with the point-and-shoot and document the amazing results of a little bit of rain before diving back into bed again with The Scarecrow.

It's a hard life if you don't weaken.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Possible Manifestation of Neptune Conjuncting Mars

Walmart unable to fill a prescription as they don't have enough of the medication.

Venus trine the Midheaven and Ascendant

Well I don't really know what it has to do with anything but there were two turkeys in the driveway when I left this morning. Neither of them offered me a job or seemed particularly thrilled to see me.

Been home now for a couple of hours and am back in bed with the cats playing Lexulous (they're not very good), doing the crossword in the Guardian, eating jerky and watching the rain (yeah! yet another day NOT to paint the wellhouse) and the birds at the feeder.

Works for me.

Neptune Conjunct Mars

Well the old point-and-shoot's been used more in the past week than it has in the previous two years, and if I could figure out how to get photos on here without using Picasa I'd do it.

I also seem to be surviving the potential turning into an alcoholic or drug addict aspect, which is a good thing - a shandy in the garden at four every afternoon doesn't seem to me to be taking me too far down the Primrose Path.

We'll see.

Mars Opposed to Uranus

I'm not really in the market for lashing out in anger, what with natal Mars in Pisces and all, more the weird and out of the ordinary as it squares Uranus in Gemini, so beginning yesterday with a hike in the forest and ending it with a community viewing of Bernie Sander's Our Revolution live stream was about as perfect a manifestation of the subject aspect as you could get for me.

The change is afoot, Watson, at least as long as this Neptune conjunct Mars thingie lasts.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Neptune Conjunct Mars

Well, I don't know about spirituality but I've been taking a lot more photos than usual, buying plants like a madwoman and hitting the shandy and the shady spot in the garden at around four o'clock in the afternoon for the past week or so.

On the day this was exact (yesterday) I went hiking - an event in my life comparable to someone else going to the moon - and once again contemplated painting the well-house without actually doing so, my supposedly clever attempt at making it look so bad I wouldn't be able to stand looking at it any longer by scraping off most of the already peeling paint failing miserably.

In my defense, it did look as though it was going to rain (Neptune, haha), otherwise I just might have been able to gird my loins and do it. And it did indeed just rain, so there's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jupiter Trine the Midheaven - Found the Draft

See last post about losing a draft: found it and it has nothing to do with what I thought it did.  Oh well - for my many followers, here it is, abrupt ending and all:

I was wondering why I was feeling so good, went to Astrodienst that I'm sick of making links to and lo and behold, there's Jupiter making a trine to the MC.

I'm slipping, but I knew that. In the olden days I used to sit with a day planner, go to Astrodienst and write down all the daily and longer-term transits, along with the time of exactitude, for the couple of weeks or month ahead, and be aware of where the Progressed Moon was and all that stuff. I don't think I've done that at all this year, although I must have as I've managed a couple of posts on here and would still desperately like to keep this blog up to date. Not desperately enough to do it, but still.

It was worse when I first *discovered* astrology - the real thing, I mean, not Patric Walker in Town and Country, though he was pretty good, but actually studying with a real astrologer and learning techniques and things. Back then, twenty years ago, I had a three-ring binder and would print out every full and new moon chart with my chart on the outside and have those pages face a two-week calendar and scribble -

Sun Square Ascendant?

Well somewhere on here is a post I started on Monday about Jupiter training the MC and me wanting to expand the back *garden* and a teenager supposed to be coming to dig post holes for me so I could put up a fence and then he never came. I'm pretty sure that exists as a draft but now Blogger has gone berserk (or changed since I last got on) and none of my drafts are visible. Grrrrr.

Monday, August 15, 2016

My $130 a Year South Node

Haven't written a play for five years but still shell out the annual renewal fee for the Dramatists' Guild so I can have "She is a member of the Dramatists' Guild" on the resume I never send out because I don't submit any work. South Node in Capricorn, yes ma'am.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sun Sextile Uranus

So on Friday I get my reminder call from the doctor's office telling me my six-month checkup is this morning, I set the alarm for six, can barely get out of bed but am on my way out the door at 7:15 (it takes me a while) when I get a phone call telling me the doctor is not yet back from maternity leave and can we reschedule.

Sun SEXTILE Uranus?