Saturday, February 13, 2016

Venus on the Midheaven

So this is when you're supposed to spend the day in the company of others beaming goodwill to one and all and in general being your own little point of light because if you don't you'll feel miserable and lonely.

But what if you have natal Venus in the Twelfth with a Taurus ascendant? Aha! The story changes. The sun's shining, you have bare arms for the first time in months, and what can possibly make you happier than beginning to re-"landscape" the triangle of land to the north of the house by extending it  a couple of feet or so into the driveway: read lugging concrete blocks around, digging up weeds and trying to chop down and unearth the cholla and prickly pear you planted that you now want to replace with agave? In a word, nothing, and if you don't speak to another earthling all day, so be it.

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