Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Moon on Moon in Aquarius

Well if it did nothing else it got me to get the ephemeris out and sit with my haha engagement book and put in the dates for this year when Neptune will conjunct Mars and square Uranus, and when my Jupiter return will happen and a couple of other key transits I've already forgotten, which is what I used to do obsessively with all transits right down to the Sun.

That of course was in the olden days, beginning in '96 when I first *discovered* astrology, or discovered that astrology works, to be more exact, and now I can segue off into the Leaving Astrology piece I began to write at the beginning of the year except I have to be somewhere in less than an hour so need to get my skates on.

P.S. Those *other* transits I managed to forget? Uranus to the Sun in a couple of weeks and its sextile to the Moon in a month. Amazing.

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