Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sun and Neptune Together, Almost on Natal Mars

No chance of landscaping as fingers all blistered from chopping down cholla so only thing to do is stay in bed, watch "Truly Madly Deeply" on YouTube and sniff at the end.

"Dogma"s up next.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Conflicting Energies

From recent personal experience I can safely say that having Uranus to the Sun at almost the same time as a Jupiter (in Virgo) return is a perfect description of the post subject and in my case resulted in something close to paralysis - temporary, thank God, and vanishing almost as soon as the transit to the sun was over.

Now, as Jupiter is almost on top of its natal placement, I'm busy redoing some of the landscaping around the house and moving lava rock, handful by handful, to a new position. Did I take a Before photo? Do you need to ask?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lazy or Seventy?

I don't know. I've never been lazy (although I've been doing a pretty good imitation of it for a while haha) and I've never been seventy so it's really hard to tell.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Uranus to the Sun

So it's almost here and I'm supposed to be going off in a completely different direction and I suppose I am - changing all the landscaping around the house ha ha.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Venus on the Midheaven

So this is when you're supposed to spend the day in the company of others beaming goodwill to one and all and in general being your own little point of light because if you don't you'll feel miserable and lonely.

But what if you have natal Venus in the Twelfth with a Taurus ascendant? Aha! The story changes. The sun's shining, you have bare arms for the first time in months, and what can possibly make you happier than beginning to re-"landscape" the triangle of land to the north of the house by extending it  a couple of feet or so into the driveway: read lugging concrete blocks around, digging up weeds and trying to chop down and unearth the cholla and prickly pear you planted that you now want to replace with agave? In a word, nothing, and if you don't speak to another earthling all day, so be it.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Most Boring Person in the World

That must be me; here comes Uranus to the Sun and I'm playing Lexulous and reading the Daily Mail and still in bed at nearly ten o'clock in the morning.

Can I at least say that *it's* got something to do with my posting on here again, having lost interest and given up doing so months if not a year ago? Is this some echo of when the Progressed Sun came to natal Uranus in 1996 and I discovered - through Michael Lutin thank you god thank you Jesus - that astrology really works? Should I be thankful that Saturn has not come to my Sun in the Twelfth as it did then when I was sitting alone in a room at an advertising agency proofreading with nothing to do for weeks on end? (That one I can answer. Yes.) Is this sudden re-interest due to the new moon on *my* moon on Monday? Is there significance to there being a new moon smack on my Sun on my coming birthday in April? Is there any significance to natal Mars being smack on the ascendent of my Solar Return on - duh - the same day with a stellium of planets in the first house (not that I spend any time looking ahead or anything)? Should I just stop asking all these silly questions and get out of bed and start to do something? Probably, except that TC has just played a move in Lexulous. Is there such a thing as free will? Hahahahaha.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Moon on Moon in Aquarius

Well if it did nothing else it got me to get the ephemeris out and sit with my haha engagement book and put in the dates for this year when Neptune will conjunct Mars and square Uranus, and when my Jupiter return will happen and a couple of other key transits I've already forgotten, which is what I used to do obsessively with all transits right down to the Sun.

That of course was in the olden days, beginning in '96 when I first *discovered* astrology, or discovered that astrology works, to be more exact, and now I can segue off into the Leaving Astrology piece I began to write at the beginning of the year except I have to be somewhere in less than an hour so need to get my skates on.

P.S. Those *other* transits I managed to forget? Uranus to the Sun in a couple of weeks and its sextile to the Moon in a month. Amazing.

Monday, February 8, 2016

New Moon Smack On *My* Moon In Aquarius...

... and the electric kettle gives up the ghost.

And while I've summoned up the energy to actually make a post, I'll add I have another two weeks to go before Uranus hits *my* Sun for the second time, first time being last April when I bought a hand-held vacuum cleaner for the car. It's been in its box in the pantry ever since until yesterday when I opened it and used it for the first time. Who says astrology doesn't work?