Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saturn Square Pluto

Five days to go and the bills are piling up - on top of the $1000 for car repair and sent-to-the-wrong-address doctor's bills, l got another invoice yesterday from the same doctor for $20 for "pharmacy charge" - calling in a prescription for me. Plumber's bill for well house is now paid.

Two days ago I took a shower, went into the kitchen and saw water dripping through the ceiling. Very proud of myself, I turned the water supply off in the well-house. A large part of the kitchen ceiling is now in garbage bags waiting for me to take it to the dump, and two (different) plumbers are up a ladder replacing copper pipes, invoice to be sent when job is done.

I haven't called the water softener people to tell them which error codes are showing up, as I'd like to delay that until I know what plumbing repair will cost. Ditto electrician to fix whatever is wrong, and until that's done, a new microwave is on hold.

Yesterday I made an appointment with a sports doctor (!!!!!!!) to try to find out what I've done inside my right thigh. That's not till the 16th and this aspect is over as of the tenth, but something tells me $$$$$ are going to be involved there.

On the plus side, I sold the big desk I took out of the back room when the daybed went in for $20 -  prescription bill. The dining room is now down to basics -  a table and four chairs. Tea dance every afternoon at four: admission $10.00. Less is more.

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