Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Well at the very least this usually gets me to do the ironing or clean the kitchen floor, so I was a little perturbed when at two in the afternoon I was still in bed playing Lexulous and reading my library book - a biography of P. G. Wodehouse, now about a month overdue and which I opened for the first time about three days ago.

It wasn't that I hadn't gotten up. It was just that whenever I did there was an overwhelming compulsion to go back to bed, and having the will power I have these days I didn't fight.

I did eventually make it out of bed and stay there, and made up for my morning of sloth by getting straight into my widening the driveway project, which involves removing all the logs and rocks which used to line it on one side and which I regularly drove over and had to call Triple A to be extricated from, replacing them two feet further in and filling in the resultant slope with dirt. A picture is worth a thousand words and all that and just as soon as I find the camera/computer cord I'll save myself 998 of them, except I don't have a good "before."

After managing to dig up one agave, which I have just discovered, as will you too if you click on the link, is a genus of monocots (!) and was once safely (except when I ran over it ha ha) on the other side of the logs but since my widening project was now situated twelve inches into the driveway, I transplanted it to an area of the *outside* I'm attempting to landscape but haven't touched so far this year.

That involved picking up all the lava rock once inside the log barrier but now.....ditto the agave...., putting it in a bucket and carrying it to the to-be-landscaped area, and since I haven't been into town to buy weed cloth, cutting up the old almost worn out tarp covering the firewood and using THAT as weed cloth, putting it on the ground and covering it with lava rock.

This morphed quickly into weeding, an exercise in futility at best and being stabbed by hidden cholla at worst, worst winning out, which turned into weeding the cactus garden in front of the house, which turned quite quickly into thinking Mars had done quite enough for one day thank you very much.

I have now turned the whole thing over to Serena Williams and am now wondering whether I should just consider the match a foregone conclusion or have another beer and watch it through to the end.

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