Monday, September 30, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus...

...and Sun sextile Pluto, both exact today at 5:15 this afternoon. With Chiron square Uranus, astrodienst tells me, "a political party or like-minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal," and looking at the fast diminishing (?) number of posts I've been making on here, there's not much arguing with that - the like-minded group of people being those who believe in the validity of the "as above, so below" maxim.

This could take me seamlessly into a dissertation on the early days of my *discovery*, when Progressed Sun conjuncted natal Uranus, but that can wait. Having resolved yesterday, and so far being able to carry it through today ha ha, to write before I do anything else in the morning - peeing, weighing myself, feeding cats and making coffee excepted - that topic will be covered in full detail later in my, er, writing life.

Today I'll attempt to cover other manifestations of the Chiron square Uranus aspect, focusing on the fact that transiting Chiron is currently in the water sign of Pisces and "above" is intent on making that clear to me in case I'm not aware of it.

The leak in the kitchen ceiling appeared three weeks ago on a Sunday. I'd taken a shower and was getting dressed when I heard the unmistakable sound of water splashing onto a floor and discovered a gentle bulge - a kind of upside down hill - in the kitchen ceiling, with a steady stream of water trickling out. Black Range Woman sprang immediately into action and whisked the bucket from underneath the sink, dumped the rags and old sponges and assorted brushes and tins of hardened shoe polish it contained on the counter, placed it under the leak and wiped the floor dry with some of the rags, standing back when that was done to stare at it as it rapidly filled with water and wondering what to do next.

Here I have to admit to a certain pride in not only realizing I could probably go up to the well house and turn off the water supply to the house but actually being able to do just that, no small accomplishment for someone to whom the word "well" used to conjure up an image of one of those picturesque round brick things which Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a bucket of water from, not a mysterious collection of machinery with pipes and valves and pressure measurers and compressors that needs its own little house to live in.

As a second cup of coffee has now been earned, here endeth part one of the "below" chronicle of Chiron square Uranus as it manifested in the life of the author.

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