Monday, September 30, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus...

...and Sun sextile Pluto, both exact today at 5:15 this afternoon. With Chiron square Uranus, astrodienst tells me, "a political party or like-minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal," and looking at the fast diminishing (?) number of posts I've been making on here, there's not much arguing with that - the like-minded group of people being those who believe in the validity of the "as above, so below" maxim.

This could take me seamlessly into a dissertation on the early days of my *discovery*, when Progressed Sun conjuncted natal Uranus, but that can wait. Having resolved yesterday, and so far being able to carry it through today ha ha, to write before I do anything else in the morning - peeing, weighing myself, feeding cats and making coffee excepted - that topic will be covered in full detail later in my, er, writing life.

Today I'll attempt to cover other manifestations of the Chiron square Uranus aspect, focusing on the fact that transiting Chiron is currently in the water sign of Pisces and "above" is intent on making that clear to me in case I'm not aware of it.

The leak in the kitchen ceiling appeared three weeks ago on a Sunday. I'd taken a shower and was getting dressed when I heard the unmistakable sound of water splashing onto a floor and discovered a gentle bulge - a kind of upside down hill - in the kitchen ceiling, with a steady stream of water trickling out. Black Range Woman sprang immediately into action and whisked the bucket from underneath the sink, dumped the rags and old sponges and assorted brushes and tins of hardened shoe polish it contained on the counter, placed it under the leak and wiped the floor dry with some of the rags, standing back when that was done to stare at it as it rapidly filled with water and wondering what to do next.

Here I have to admit to a certain pride in not only realizing I could probably go up to the well house and turn off the water supply to the house but actually being able to do just that, no small accomplishment for someone to whom the word "well" used to conjure up an image of one of those picturesque round brick things which Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a bucket of water from, not a mysterious collection of machinery with pipes and valves and pressure measurers and compressors that needs its own little house to live in.

As a second cup of coffee has now been earned, here endeth part one of the "below" chronicle of Chiron square Uranus as it manifested in the life of the author.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus

A series of sudden and unexpected events, eh? And they'll strain my nerves to the utmost, especially if I've spent the last few years trying to please everyone? That lets me out, as ever since I came out here to live in June of 2012 I've done exactly as I pleased, admittedly as a reaction to the time in Cambridge before then.

Does a leak in the kitchen ceiling count? Having the two cats - an event in itself, really - fight all the time? (OK, OK, so I haven't written for a long time.) Doing something to the inside of my right thigh so it hurts, but only when I walk ha ha?

More to come. Maybe.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chiron Conjunct Mars

Really, astrology is such a crock (?) - Chiron conjuncts Mars exactly on the 13th and it's not until Monday the 16th that I have my doctor's appointment to try to figure out what's going on inside my right thigh - off by three whole days, when I haven't been near a doctor's office for about ten years.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Well at the very least this usually gets me to do the ironing or clean the kitchen floor, so I was a little perturbed when at two in the afternoon I was still in bed playing Lexulous and reading my library book - a biography of P. G. Wodehouse, now about a month overdue and which I opened for the first time about three days ago.

It wasn't that I hadn't gotten up. It was just that whenever I did there was an overwhelming compulsion to go back to bed, and having the will power I have these days I didn't fight.

I did eventually make it out of bed and stay there, and made up for my morning of sloth by getting straight into my widening the driveway project, which involves removing all the logs and rocks which used to line it on one side and which I regularly drove over and had to call Triple A to be extricated from, replacing them two feet further in and filling in the resultant slope with dirt. A picture is worth a thousand words and all that and just as soon as I find the camera/computer cord I'll save myself 998 of them, except I don't have a good "before."

After managing to dig up one agave, which I have just discovered, as will you too if you click on the link, is a genus of monocots (!) and was once safely (except when I ran over it ha ha) on the other side of the logs but since my widening project was now situated twelve inches into the driveway, I transplanted it to an area of the *outside* I'm attempting to landscape but haven't touched so far this year.

That involved picking up all the lava rock once inside the log barrier but now.....ditto the agave...., putting it in a bucket and carrying it to the to-be-landscaped area, and since I haven't been into town to buy weed cloth, cutting up the old almost worn out tarp covering the firewood and using THAT as weed cloth, putting it on the ground and covering it with lava rock.

This morphed quickly into weeding, an exercise in futility at best and being stabbed by hidden cholla at worst, worst winning out, which turned into weeding the cactus garden in front of the house, which turned quite quickly into thinking Mars had done quite enough for one day thank you very much.

I have now turned the whole thing over to Serena Williams and am now wondering whether I should just consider the match a foregone conclusion or have another beer and watch it through to the end.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saturn Square Pluto

Five days to go and the bills are piling up - on top of the $1000 for car repair and sent-to-the-wrong-address doctor's bills, l got another invoice yesterday from the same doctor for $20 for "pharmacy charge" - calling in a prescription for me. Plumber's bill for well house is now paid.

Two days ago I took a shower, went into the kitchen and saw water dripping through the ceiling. Very proud of myself, I turned the water supply off in the well-house. A large part of the kitchen ceiling is now in garbage bags waiting for me to take it to the dump, and two (different) plumbers are up a ladder replacing copper pipes, invoice to be sent when job is done.

I haven't called the water softener people to tell them which error codes are showing up, as I'd like to delay that until I know what plumbing repair will cost. Ditto electrician to fix whatever is wrong, and until that's done, a new microwave is on hold.

Yesterday I made an appointment with a sports doctor (!!!!!!!) to try to find out what I've done inside my right thigh. That's not till the 16th and this aspect is over as of the tenth, but something tells me $$$$$ are going to be involved there.

On the plus side, I sold the big desk I took out of the back room when the daybed went in for $20 -  prescription bill. The dining room is now down to basics -  a table and four chairs. Tea dance every afternoon at four: admission $10.00. Less is more.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Venus Trine the Moon

This is what you get when your Sun and Moon are 60 degrees apart - an opposition to one one day and a trine to the other the next, in this case extremely fortunate as I was able to lounge around all day and watch the U. S. Open, a consequence of my overindulgence of the evening before.