Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Venus sextile Saturn

 So I'm supposed to sit down with a loved one or friend and make clear what I think my duties and obligations are to them and theirs to me.

As far as I know, the only person I'm sitting down with today is a hairdresser I've never met before  - for an event I haven't had for about 40 years as I've been cutting my own hair since the last time I asked a hairdresser to do something and they didn't. 

And as for my obligations and duties as regards the house I live in, I'm sadly lacking in that department, except I seem to be on a bit of a roll this morning: one load of laundry done, dryer full, washer full, doing this blog, with any luck I'll do a much-neglected Spanish lesson next, on the other hand I might not - have to pay insurance bills and put the new DMV sticker on my little Zippy, put the groceries away from yesterday - boy, it's a full life....

Detailed report from yesterday:

Paid car insurance, paid house insurance, discovered house insurance has gone up by $300 as AAA now uses "a new system to value housing". Paid it and will source new house insurance.

Tried to pay bill from Pinnacle Propane, which now (finally) allows online payment. Unable to register as account number required. My account number is REEPAM. Not recognized. Put aside for another day. 

Friend arrives with my share of veggies from our CSA membership.

Haircut - my first professional one for 40 years. Will definitely be my last for the next 40 years. More later on that one. Will wear sunglasses and a hat till it grows out. 

To a friend's house to discuss getting a car from Boston out to here.

Home to find my blue star junipers delivered, and also my mini transplanting pots for string of pearls. 

Go outside, pick a handful of home-grown lemon cherry tomatoes, go and sit in favorite chair in shady spot in woodland garden, eat them and wonder what it must be like to be born with this aspect. 

End the day with a Fluencia Spanish lesson.

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