Monday, September 28, 2020

Venus square Ascendant

 Today I'm taking a personal day. This here Venus transiting the Fifth has meant I've been away from the house a lot in the past few days and I'm no further along with my move into my new room than I was last week, except I'm beginning to use the new counter as I'd planned to and it's slowly filling up but still unfinished and brown, an unacceptable color around here.

I need to call again (third time) to try to make an appointment for a mammogram. After probably 40 years I am planning to get a hair cut from someone other than myself if I can find the phone number a friend gave me of a *stylist* who supposedly does what you ask instead of ignoring it.  Pretty Boy needs an appointment for his annual checkup. There's about three other items on the list I made last night which is over on the desk and I'm NOT playing tennis this morning and am still in bed.  APPL's up, the sun's out, blue jays are squawking away outside which means Pretty Boy is out there somewhere stalking them, if not already eating one, and all's right with the world at #14. 

7:45 pm addendum 

I got the mammogram appointment, renewed my car registration, and bought a pair of shoes and two Blue Star Junipers, except the tree place emailed to say I didn't actually complete the order. Got contact paper on the countertop, not finished, may well never be. Had to unhook the TV from all the wires, take it off the counter, put it back on the counter, and now I'm able to get YouTube for the first time but no signal from Dish.

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