Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mercury trine Venus and Sun sextile Pluto.

 B*gger. I just wrote a long post for this and it's vanished. 

Mars squares the Midheaven in nine hours, so maybe that's why. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Venus square Ascendant

 Today I'm taking a personal day. This here Venus transiting the Fifth has meant I've been away from the house a lot in the past few days and I'm no further along with my move into my new room than I was last week, except I'm beginning to use the new counter as I'd planned to and it's slowly filling up but still unfinished and brown, an unacceptable color around here.

I need to call again (third time) to try to make an appointment for a mammogram. After probably 40 years I am planning to get a hair cut from someone other than myself if I can find the phone number a friend gave me of a *stylist* who supposedly does what you ask instead of ignoring it.  Pretty Boy needs an appointment for his annual checkup. There's about three other items on the list I made last night which is over on the desk and I'm NOT playing tennis this morning and am still in bed.  APPL's up, the sun's out, blue jays are squawking away outside which means Pretty Boy is out there somewhere stalking them, if not already eating one, and all's right with the world at #14. 

7:45 pm addendum 

I got the mammogram appointment, renewed my car registration, and bought a pair of shoes and two Blue Star Junipers, except the tree place emailed to say I didn't actually complete the order. Got contact paper on the countertop, not finished, may well never be. Had to unhook the TV from all the wires, take it off the counter, put it back on the counter, and now I'm able to get YouTube for the first time but no signal from Dish.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Venus in Fifth

 Invited out for dinner yesterday, invited out for Happy Hour tomorrow and Sunday evening for dessert and coffee. Another month to go.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Moon in the Sixth

 Only appropriate, I suppose, to get me super-charged (ha!) in the re-organization of this house now that I live in it alone. Taking a break at 11:20 as I've already done more today than I have in the past month. Time to get that ToDo list sorted and written down here.

As well as calling Dish and Best buy, I need to:

Call the hospital to make an appointment for a mammogram.

Call R&L to see when I can take the car in as the a/c stopped working on Monday.

Set up new credit card with Rajesh as haven't paid since May thanks to Citibank's decision to change my Amex card number when I thought they were changing my regular old air-miles card. Quite WHY I am continuing to amass air miles I'm not sure but will leave that for another day.

Finish painting outside light.

Finish covering inside mirror with wallpaper. 

Send my brother a photo of my car with the Queen in the back seat. 

Do Good Girl's headstone and decide where to put it. 

List SOMETHING on Grant County Goodies and sell it. 

Move bookcase into dining room to see if it fits. 

Homework - writing assignment. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sun into Sixth

 No wonder I haven't been able to get a handle on anything - Sun was in the Fifth and I was out dancing in the streets all night and jetting off to Paris for the weekends. 

So my ToDo List for tomorrow is:

Phone Dish and BestBuy and sort out billing errors( in their favor, of course).  Best Buy's been on the list for about three weeks but now it's joined by Dish I simply have to bite the bullet and pick up the phone and do it. So far I am unimpressed by Live Chat. Citibank's is about two inches by three down in the bottom right hand corner.

As I'm falling asleep just thinking about it I'll complete the list tomorrow.

Neptune Opposed to Retrograde Jupiter

 The last time this happened I was running around taking photos. This time I've been watching movies by order of the Man Who Knows Everything about the Theater (honest)  running the zoom class I'm taking on playwriting techniques. What a life.

Klute, Breaking Point, some other noir film I can't remember the name of and now Fritz Lang's Scarlet Street with Edward G. Robinson as I've never seen him .

Add Venus sextile Uranus and you go and play tennis, go to Walmart, go to Ace to get the hardware the man who made your floating counter that doesn't float told you you needed to make it float, they didn't have it, go back to the house, eat half your breakfast, go to the doctor, find out your heart murmur isn't getting louder, go to another hardware store, get the stuff, go back to the house, start to finish breakfast, counter man comes, you have the wrong stuff, go back to the hardware store, get the right stuff, back to the house, finish breakfast, counter floats, man leaves, relax. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mercury sextile Pluto

 Quite how this aspect let me pick great letters from the bag of UpWords tiles I have no idea, but for one of the few times since I've been playing the game with B I was able to romp home with a score of 507 while she lagged behind somewhere in the mid-400s.

Usually I'm about 100 points behind in every game we play, and we've played many in the more than ten years I've known here. I've probably won five or six times, so today made it six or seven. 

Here endeth yet another fascinating post from my attempt to resurrect this blog. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mercury conjunct Neptune and then square Saturn

Felt nothing but hungover as Mercury sat on Neptune in the morning (was determined to get drunk on Labor Day and succeeded) and then in the afternoon had to put a metaphorical BandAid over my mouth as a good friend attempted to get the picture on my new Smart TV (hah!) to fit the screen. He couldn't and it won't, but I'm having great fun seeing the last letter of each player's home country on the left of the screen next to the score box on ESPN and trying to guess who they are. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Sun square Uranus

 Well, that was a bust, except I'm not usually in the kitchen at ten at night eating cold grilled brussel sprouts and pork baby back ribs, so I guess SOMETHING out of the ordinary happened.

And there was a lot of activity around the house with the full moon on Mars with railroad ties getting cut and made into steps and a landscape gardener making me a new little rock garden. No complaints.