Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter.....

....., Uranus coming to conjunct Mercury and Jupiter opposing it tomorrow and - what? Nothing, except I'm posting here.

Not quite nothing, of course. The house is in total disorder since the queen bed arrived a week ago. The old full is in my tiny bedroom and the single mattress I used to sleep on is propped up against a cabinet in the dining room.

The chairs in the living room are all squashed together to make room for the bed frame, which arrived a day after the new mattress and frame got put together, and since one of its bits is bent and I can't fit it where it's supposed to go it's just sitting in the living room, a big 60" by 80" open iron oblong that I have to keep stepping in and out of.

With all of this today seemed like a really good day to finally go through the boxes of CDs I've wanted to sort for ever, so the dining room table and kitchen counter are covered with naked CDs and some full some empty plastic cases. No wonder I went to bed at 8:15.

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