Thursday, February 9, 2017

Neptune to Mars

I had the first pass of this last summer and spent a lot of time photographing flowers and feeling immensely grateful for my life.

This go-around hasn't been quite as pleasant. It's been happening at the same time as Pluto squaring the Sun, which I am thankful is now over, as January was a month from hell I never want to have to repeat and god willing won't have to as when Pluto reappears later in the year things will be different, she says confidently.

So - glossing over my experimentation with anti-depressants for most of January I suddenly, tonight, with Neptune to Mars exact tomorrow, have severe toothache - missed a dental appointment when I was sick earlier in the year - and have been routing around in the medicine cabinet looking for leftover painkillers from when I broke my wrist and tore my rotator cuff two and three years ago respectively.

The point to this, if there is one, is that just as I feel I can't be bothered to keep this blog going and don't think I will make another post, there's a manifestation so - so what? - so glaringly As Above So Below even my current unmotivated anhedonic self cannot help but fire up a page and put some words down.

I might even do it again.

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