Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Double Dose Mercury and Saturn

So Saturn trines Mercury exact this morning and Mercury does the same to Saturn at almost the same time - in about fifteen minutes. I can only hope the influence hangs around for the rest of the day as while it was coming to a crescendo yesterday *all* I managed to do was four loads of laundry to get the house back to a semblance of order after having two friends with an eight-year-old staying here for a week and then begin a search online for the tires I bought last July as I now need two more and presumably they need to be the same kind that are already on the car.

After more effort than I am usually able to muster I did indeed find them, and maybe today I'll have the concentration to go back to my tax filing and get that done at last. And order the tires. That would do, pig.

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