Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Double Dose Mercury and Saturn

So Saturn trines Mercury exact this morning and Mercury does the same to Saturn at almost the same time - in about fifteen minutes. I can only hope the influence hangs around for the rest of the day as while it was coming to a crescendo yesterday *all* I managed to do was four loads of laundry to get the house back to a semblance of order after having two friends with an eight-year-old staying here for a week and then begin a search online for the tires I bought last July as I now need two more and presumably they need to be the same kind that are already on the car.

After more effort than I am usually able to muster I did indeed find them, and maybe today I'll have the concentration to go back to my tax filing and get that done at last. And order the tires. That would do, pig.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Neptune to Mars

I had the first pass of this last summer and spent a lot of time photographing flowers and feeling immensely grateful for my life.

This go-around hasn't been quite as pleasant. It's been happening at the same time as Pluto squaring the Sun, which I am thankful is now over, as January was a month from hell I never want to have to repeat and god willing won't have to as when Pluto reappears later in the year things will be different, she says confidently.

So - glossing over my experimentation with anti-depressants for most of January I suddenly, tonight, with Neptune to Mars exact tomorrow, have severe toothache - missed a dental appointment when I was sick earlier in the year - and have been routing around in the medicine cabinet looking for leftover painkillers from when I broke my wrist and tore my rotator cuff two and three years ago respectively.

The point to this, if there is one, is that just as I feel I can't be bothered to keep this blog going and don't think I will make another post, there's a manifestation so - so what? - so glaringly As Above So Below even my current unmotivated anhedonic self cannot help but fire up a page and put some words down.

I might even do it again.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pluto Square Sun

If that was Pluto, you can have him. And he's not done yet. On the day this culminates, Mars is squaring Saturn and opposing Neptune, just to add to the general paralysis haha. Flu - or some unidentified bug that knocked me out for two days at the beginning of the month, depression, inability to get out of bed, no interest in anything, freezing cold, unusual for this part of the country, a cat peeing and leaving turds in the living room, depression, inability to get out of bed etc. etc. etc. - not what you could call an auspicious beginning to the year.