Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

And fifteen years ago today, with the subject aspect in effect,  I had a mission - go down to the concourse in my lunch hour to look for a  cosmetics travel bag for my upcoming vacation in New Mexico, where I was to meet a friend and, as a joke, look at a house I'd found online nine months earlier and had been obsessing about ever since.

Actually I think - this was a long time ago - on the upcoming Friday I was flying to Tucson, where I was to have dinner with my vacation companion and his mother, who had been on HER vacation with him for a week. The three of us were to spend the night in Tucson, she was to fly back to New Jersey the next day, and he and I were to rent a car and drive to Silver City, New Mexico, where the house I'd find online was.

Neither of us had been there before. Neither of us had heard of it until I began my search for a house in New Mexico we could perhaps one day buy together. Silver was in the south-west corner of the state, a part we'd never visited, not that we'd been to too much else of it anyway; Santa Fe in May two years before to visit a friend of John's, when we both took shorts and T-shirts and it snowed, Ruidoso a year after that when we thought we'd just hit a patch of bad weather when it rained every afternoon and we didn't know about the monsoons, and now this trip number three.

As it happened I didn't get to buy my new cosmetics bag that day as the concourse I was going to look for it in was in Tower Two of the World Trade Center, and when I did walk through it with a stream of other people at about eleven all the shops were closed and dark, and I didn't get to fly to Tucson that Friday either.

So fifteen years later, now that I live in the house we were planning to see on that vacation, the mission for the day is to search for the tie-backs if that's what they're called and even if it's not that I once cut off of one of the upholstered seats of the dining room chairs when I thought I was going to recover them - something else that never happened - and then photograph them and get them up on Grant County Goodies and hope they sell quickly as I have four new chairs from arriving tomorrow or the next day.

Should be easier to accomplish than buying that travel bag.

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