Monday, September 26, 2016

MORE Mars in the Eighth

It's getting quite exciting - I finally groped my way through requesting a refund for the $25 American made me shell out in Miami in May when I had already shelled out $25 the day before for baggage when I left TCI. It was an international flight, they said, when I got my credit card statement and complained, and told me to request a refund if I wasn't happy.

I wasn't happy, but the refund process is so *%#*$ difficult I've given up several times before.

MAYBE prompted by the knowledge I need a new stove I was a bit more persistent today - or am I helped with Mars training Venus, who knows - but lo and behold I've managed to submit my request for a refund and can now wait for the Refund Specialist (!) to give me an answer.

God willing it will come while Mars is still in the eighth and I'll have a bit of fight in me.

Mars Trine Venus

Well this is kicking in with a vengeance, if attempting to dig a trench through soil that barely warrants the name as it's mostly rocks can be called beautification - which it can in a roundabout way as it's to prevent the salt water from the softener running into the *garden*.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mars in the Eighth

Apple's on a roar, I get my first *tip* of $10 from an airbnb guest, another one wants to book for $115 instead of $130, I say no, he books anyway and I get a reservation for March 2017 as well.

That'll do, pig.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mars in the Eighth

No transformation yet but it only went in yesterday so it's early days.

In the meantime, I'm left with the strange sensation of having completed something yesterday that I set out to do - photograph the four chairs I want to sell and post them on Grant County Goodies. It's been so long since I did anything other than piddle around outside I feel quite astonished, and who knows - today I might even be able to finish doing something else. What a concept.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

And fifteen years ago today, with the subject aspect in effect,  I had a mission - go down to the concourse in my lunch hour to look for a  cosmetics travel bag for my upcoming vacation in New Mexico, where I was to meet a friend and, as a joke, look at a house I'd found online nine months earlier and had been obsessing about ever since.

Actually I think - this was a long time ago - on the upcoming Friday I was flying to Tucson, where I was to have dinner with my vacation companion and his mother, who had been on HER vacation with him for a week. The three of us were to spend the night in Tucson, she was to fly back to New Jersey the next day, and he and I were to rent a car and drive to Silver City, New Mexico, where the house I'd find online was.

Neither of us had been there before. Neither of us had heard of it until I began my search for a house in New Mexico we could perhaps one day buy together. Silver was in the south-west corner of the state, a part we'd never visited, not that we'd been to too much else of it anyway; Santa Fe in May two years before to visit a friend of John's, when we both took shorts and T-shirts and it snowed, Ruidoso a year after that when we thought we'd just hit a patch of bad weather when it rained every afternoon and we didn't know about the monsoons, and now this trip number three.

As it happened I didn't get to buy my new cosmetics bag that day as the concourse I was going to look for it in was in Tower Two of the World Trade Center, and when I did walk through it with a stream of other people at about eleven all the shops were closed and dark, and I didn't get to fly to Tucson that Friday either.

So fifteen years later, now that I live in the house we were planning to see on that vacation, the mission for the day is to search for the tie-backs if that's what they're called and even if it's not that I once cut off of one of the upholstered seats of the dining room chairs when I thought I was going to recover them - something else that never happened - and then photograph them and get them up on Grant County Goodies and hope they sell quickly as I have four new chairs from arriving tomorrow or the next day.

Should be easier to accomplish than buying that travel bag.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mars Trine Sun

Decisive action? hahahahaha.

The most decisive thing I did was decide the crick was too high for me to go anywhere so pass on my lunch and later cocktails with tennis peeps and stay in bed with Michael Connelly watching the US Open and eating Digestive Biscuits.

Definitely a hard life if you don't weaken.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sun Opposed to Mars...

... AND Venus square Saturn while it conjuncts Neptune

And this tailed off to nothing before I could even add " which is sitting on top of Mars along with the transiting South node."

No wonder I can't do anything really.  Don't even remember when this was but it wasn't long ago.

Success! Mars Trine the Sun?

Found all my posts! And all I had to do was create a new Google account which then locked me out of *all* my blogs, go back and try to log in with the signalpeak account I've finally cancelled so no longer have, ask to have a text sent to give me access to that as I've forgotten the password, click on something else, do God knows what else and hope I'll be able to recreate it all as suddenly there's my three blogs, including the new one I started last month and haven't been able to re-access once I did. Piece o'cake.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

This is Getting Very Annoying

This blog, that is. Here I am getting all involved with astrology again and wanting to post and somehow none of the posts are showing up so I can't get back in to edit and don't even know what I have posted ha ha.

There's going to be nothing for it soon but for me to use my Saturn and figure out what's wrong, which may or may not have anything to do with Saturn opposing Uranus almost exactly for me right now.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Healing Conversation (again)

Aha! The dreaded Mercury Retrograde must be upon us, as this aspect occurred last Saturday when I went to the races - the Duck Races in Deming that is haha.

This time I'm prepared, having just received an email from someone calling me Pam. There is little I ask in this world, but someone needs to be set straight. And I shall do it.