Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Glossing over the fact that I should call this once-a-month astrology...

...I would seem to be finally living out here in the middle of nowhere rather than simply existing in the house.

After shelling out my $75 to join WILL, to which I am too lazy to link, last year,  and taking none of the courses offered in the fall *semester*, I am now learning to play pickle ball (!), studying shamanic astrology, which admittedly I did not know was going to be shamanic, and beginning next week, taking a class in perspective drawing.

Add to this playing tennis when the weather is good, the weekly knitting group I attend, the once-a-week playing UpWords at Javalina and the 24/7 playing of Lexulous and you have much more of a *life* than I have had for the past decade or so, or so it seems.

We shall see.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sun in the Tenth

Oh dear - I don't think I'm doing exactly what I ought to be right now, which is supposedly turning my attention to my role in the larger society and my standing and reputation within the community.

For the past four days I've played tennis and then come straight back to the house and retired to bed until the sun comes in the front window, which actually does have something to do with my standing in the community as I am reluctant to call the propane company and ask for a delivery on condition they don't bill me till Thursday, when I'll be on a new credit card statement. A bit of a stretch, but still.

This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sun Square Venus...

...AND Jupiter opposed to the Moon - not much  chance of me beginning to lose the five pounds of fat I added to my middle over the festive holiday season today, even though I'm due to play tennis in twenty-five minutes and ought not to be writing this.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sun on the Midheaven

Quite amusing, actually, as I wrote nothing at all all day and therefore spent the whole day in bed, with brief periods of boots on the ground while I fed the cats and myself and disposed of all resultant waste.

Today, with the Sun trine the Ascendant, I am forced to get up as I have two social obligations to fulfill and a couple of errands to run, assuming I would like to eat something other than cereal with no milk. It's an exciting life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This Might Be Good

My new plan to not allow myself to get up until I've written something, that is.

Its only downside is that the punishment for not writing isn't what you could exactly call harsh, as in my current state of torpor I could happily stay in bed all day, thanks to my MacBook Air, flannel sheets, new mattress and miserable U.K.-type weather, especially as my New Year resolution is to hibernate as much as possible for the month of January.

There. See? Done. And it's not as though I have to get up. I can stay here as long as I want, sitting up in my little trundle bed in the very far north-east corner of this, to me huge, house, right in the ell formed by one great big north-facing window and one great big east-facing window, lost in the mists of what other people call the mountains and which I, with my horrible literal-mindedness, don't.

But I can if I want to.

Monday, January 12, 2015


In a departure from the usual posts I make on here - not that I've made many lately ha ha (see Post title) - I'm changing my approach somewhat and writing about the - the what? The way my life is now? The overwhelming attitude - if indolence can be considered an attitude and I suppose it can - that's taken over everything else in my life right now?

And now having exhausted myself with the above six lines, I am free - at 11:36 am on Monday morning - to get out of bed and begin whatever activities it turns out I'm able to attempt in the remaining hours of the day, having just come to an agreement with myself that until I've written something - anything - I am forced to remain in bed reading the Daily Mail, playing Lexulous and checking the price of Apple stock.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pluto and the Sun Together on the South Node

And I stay in bed nearly all day because it's cold and snowy outside. Deserving of some kind of perverse medal really.