Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Saturn Opposed to Saturn

OK, so if I'm on the right track and doing what I'm supposed to do I reach a kind of "material peak", to quote Astrodienst that I can't be bothered to link to.

Well, airbnb is humming along nicely and apart from not being able to finish the play I've been working on (hah!) for eight years all is well.

Latest set of airbnb-ers leave and I go in to clean up and lo and behold! There's my material peak - a melted thing that you put over food in the microwave, a note of apology and a ten dollar bill to cover the cost of replacement, and the transit is exact to the day. I mean you just gotta love it, whatever it is.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Uranus Conjunct Venus

OK, so it's every-six-months-or-so astrology, not my fault if I've turned into the laziest person in the world.

Every now and again though the idea of posting something pops into my head and is usually gone as quickly as Oscar Wilde's thoughts about  exercise - every time I think of it I lie down until it passes haha - but today even I am compelled to note the truly astounding literalness of astrology's working.

Uranus to Venus: it happened earlier this year, will perfect in a couple of weeks and come back one last time next February, and perhaps yesterday it was intensified by the almost full moon coinciding with it, but sitting on my kitchen table right now is a big packet of Spam-flavored macadamia nuts - yes, SPAM-flavored - from a friend in Maui as a completely unexpected out-of-the-blue present.

I defy anyone to come up with a more literal representation of Uranus conjuncting natal Venus, and can't help but wonder what the next two weeks will bring.