Friday, January 6, 2017

You Really Have to Laugh

So one of the things I decided NOT to do in the New Year - note the absence of the r*s*l*t**n word - was to stop wasting so much time reading Readers' Comments. I don't need to know what Fezzie in Cambs think about Kim Kardashian's psoriasis or what Gimmeabreak has to say about George Michaels - of course, I don't need to know about KK's psoriasis or anything more about George Michaels - but at least let me stop there, I had said to myself as yet another year promised to begin with a six-years-in-the-non-writing-stage play remained unwritten.

I was going to get so much done in the week between Christmas and New Year's Day and somehow with back to back airbnb-ers and being Hedda Hopper on both days all that got done was lots of laundry and food shopping and cooking and then it was January 2nd and I decided I could at least give myself a break and stay in bed for a day, and then I couldn't get out of bed and slept for two days and felt like sh*t when I did wake up, and then when I did get back to the Daily Mail I must need to update Safari or something BECAUSE NONE OF THE READERS' COMMENTS ARE VISIBLE AND ALL I SEE IS WHITE SPACE.

And having exhausted myself with the supreme effort of writing this I shall now go back to sleep for another couple of days and hope that when I wake up The Play will be finished.

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