Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sun Trine Jupiter

Sixth day in bed with no energy but had just enough to check flights to Spain to perhaps go and see my sisters in April. Use miles to get to Boston and then fly from there for less that $550 round trip. Score.

Friday, January 6, 2017

You Really Have to Laugh

So one of the things I decided NOT to do in the New Year - note the absence of the r*s*l*t**n word - was to stop wasting so much time reading Readers' Comments. I don't need to know what Fezzie in Cambs think about Kim Kardashian's psoriasis or what Gimmeabreak has to say about George Michaels - of course, I don't need to know about KK's psoriasis or anything more about George Michaels - but at least let me stop there, I had said to myself as yet another year promised to begin with a six-years-in-the-non-writing-stage play remained unwritten.

I was going to get so much done in the week between Christmas and New Year's Day and somehow with back to back airbnb-ers and being Hedda Hopper on both days all that got done was lots of laundry and food shopping and cooking and then it was January 2nd and I decided I could at least give myself a break and stay in bed for a day, and then I couldn't get out of bed and slept for two days and felt like sh*t when I did wake up, and then when I did get back to the Daily Mail I must need to update Safari or something BECAUSE NONE OF THE READERS' COMMENTS ARE VISIBLE AND ALL I SEE IS WHITE SPACE.

And having exhausted myself with the supreme effort of writing this I shall now go back to sleep for another couple of days and hope that when I wake up The Play will be finished.

Monday, January 2, 2017


So what do you do when you're having a Mars return on the same day you have Venus sextile Venus and you've been working like a crazy person for a week?

You get out the extra-creamy macaroni and cheese leftover from yesterday's Open House and you put it in a frying pan with some butter and more half-and-half and a couple of slices of Velveeta and warm it all up and eat a great big bowlful and go back to bed, that's what you do.