Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mars Trine Uranus: Report

So I got an unexpected call from a friend to meet for lunch just as I was finishing a big bowl of oatmeal, all there was to eat in the house. Had a cup of tea while she ate, waitress very friendly, friend asks if I know waitress, I say no but she is very friendly, waitress then introduces self as someone I met four years ago. I apologize.

Go to thrift shop with friend and find three tins I need for Christmas presents, fifty cents each, and a copy of Portnoy's Complaint for another fifty cents to replace the copy I left behind when I came out here.

Go to PO and mail three cards with photos inside, go to Walmart and run into used-to-be-neighbour till they abandoned house and moved to town, come back to house and watch Joan Crawford flinging herself about as a Broadway star and falling in love with Michael Wilding as a blind pianist.

Not a normal day.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mars Trine Uranus

So I'm going to have new activities and new encounters, some quite unexpected, that will generate both excitement and personal growth.

I'm also going to be able to do quite extraordinary things, which I hope means I'll be able to finish sorting fifty years of printed photographs and get them all stuffed inside Christmas cards and on their way to their subjects and with any luck be able to set up the new printer which is due to arrive tonight and be able to scan the more precious of the photos I have and then get them into envelopes before they leave tomorrow.

We shall see.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sun Square Jupiter

So here I am thinking I'm coming back to life after two months of the T south node sitting on my Sun in the Twelfth and then I realize what's happening. Too bad.