Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mars in the Eighth

Transformation? Of my credit card bill, for sure - of me, maybe. A cautionary tale here, but it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jupiter Trine Moon

God this is a nice one, a bit like floating along on a fluffy pink cloud. Certainly helps with the transiting south node sitting on your Sun in the Twelfth, although I can't really pinpoint anything that's actually *causing*.

On the Moon front, I'm somewhat stunned to write I have been grilling - you know, lighting charcoal and actually cooking something on it, and for myself, not for other people. AND I've been sauteeing chard and spinach and arugula to go with whatever I've put on the grill.

Let's not get carried away here. I've only done it twice but for someone given to opening a can of beetroot and dumping a can of tuna or some tinned corned beef on top of it and calling it dinner it's a post-worthy occurrence, and whether it's Jupiter and the Moon or me actually behaving like a grown-up and following my north node, I'll take it.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Jupiter trine Sun

Damn - I thought this was coming later in the week and was all set to try and take advantage of it and broaden my horizons and all that and here it is, perfecting today and I'm still in bed.

I will be playing tennis in thirty minutes though so don't have time to chronicle the adventures of yesterday when B and I ventured far afield in pursuit of art, but there's a pretty good chance I'll be back later to do so.

That way I can have two posts in one day to make up for being absent for weeks.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mars Trine Sun

I felt so vigorous and physically active I couldn't get myself to tennis lesson and instead spent the morning (!) getting the addition ready for airbnb guests this afternoon.

I did manage to get to the dump and to get gas and to get $ from the bank to pay the person to spread the gravel the gravel company dumped in the driveway last week but then he postponed till Monday, and as for programming the new remote to work with the TV, forget about it.

If this generalized sloth is indeed south node to the Moon there's another seven weeks of it, by which time I should have moss growing over me.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

South Node to the Sun

I have another two months of this before it gets to 18 Aries 04 and if the way I've been feeling lately is any indication I'll be lucky to make it through.