Wednesday, February 26, 2014

south node conjunct venus...

...with pluto about to sit on *my * south node.
i continue to eat nourishing healthy food like di giornio's pull-apart pizza - don't ask -  marie callendar chicken pot pies and petit ecolier extra-dark chocolate biscuits, while lying on my back in bed pecking away at my editing job.

today the south node begins - very slowly - to move away from venus and i have till may before i see what happens when it hits mercury. as for the its transit to the sun, i'll worry about that next year, when i have to. in the meantime, one day at a time is the mo.

surgery tomorrow with venus on the midheaven. can't be all bad.

Monday, February 24, 2014

mercury conjunct moon

quick, come on over if you've got a problem and want a sympathetic ear. i can listen with empathy and compassion because i can literally feel with you. hurry up because it will all be over in an hour.

while you're here you can open a new ink cartridge for me and replace the old one.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

sun and neptune together above

.... i used to think, in my supreme wisdom garnered from a quick flick through astrology for dummies, that what was happening above had no influence on us below unless it aspected our natal charts in some way.

today, with the sun conjunct neptune, i'm inclined to waver. my big treat since i signed up for a free month of netflix is to watch house of cards u.s. version every night in bed. it's become my reward for a fruitful day's work and i've discovered only about 20 years after the rest of the world what a joy it is to watch serialized tv shows one week's episode after the next.

now admittedly it's sunday and god's told us all it's a day of rest, but i don't think he meant us to stay in bed and watch kevin spacey all day. never mind. not a problem for me. i'm about to start in again on the u.k. version with ian richardson from 1990, which i watched when it was first televised. good as the u.s. remake was, i think i'm probably going to agree with this.

sun trine saturn

o to have this all the time, or at least when you have a shitload of writing to do and have the use of only one hand. on thursday, after not being able to open a new ink cartridge and being told i needed surgery and having to wait for three hours for an ekg because of my advanced age to make sure it wouldn't give me a heart attack , i was all set to throw in the towel and give up on the assignment.

yesterday, with the title aspect, i was able to put in the most work i've done in a day since i started the project, and decided of course i can do this, piece of cake, i've got a lot more under my belt than i thought and if i stick to the schedule i made etc. etc. i'll be done by deadline. that was yesterday. today...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

south node to venus...

...along with pluto to the south node - not a particularly compatible combination. huge editing job, broken left wrist and not the slightest inclination to work. not good.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

pluto conjunct south node

it's not there yet but if the past few days are anything to go by i'm going to need new glasses in a couple of weeks ha ha. quite why i've been wondering for months how this aspect was going to manifest i don't know - it's in capricorn, for chrissake. work work work.

what i certainly didn't anticipate is that it would involve broken bones - one, at least - but there you go. capricorn's ruled by saturn, saturn rules the skeleton, pluto changes everything and who cares about punctuation anyway. question mark.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

the world is slowing down...

...says michael lutin, as mars and saturn prepare to go retrograde at the same time, and there's no argument from me with my left hand - thank god - useless in a cast so that the simplest household task is either impossible - you try using a can opener with one hand - or takes ten times longer than it used to, ditto re washing dishes or cleaning teeth.

Friday, February 14, 2014

sun square ascendant

so is that why i was getting more and more pissed sitting in the waiting room at urgent care yesterday holding my left hand on with my right one and wondering if it was broken or not while person after person who got there after me was seen.

add the question mark yourself as i have one usable hand only. it was.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sun in the Eleventh

So I'm supposed to engage in group efforts and projects in my personal and public (hah!) life so I can find out who I am and what the purpose of my life is. I have to socialize extensively and study the people I associate with, as they're a reflection of myself, all of this courtesy of astrodienst, as usual.

Again - hah!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mars Square Midheaven

Well, I went to the dump, which is more of an achievement than it sounds because I'd already been into town and back so broke my own rule of not going down the hill twice in one day.
AND I seriously considered  sending a play to a senior theater resource and then realized that would involve digging out the contract I have with *my* current publisher and seeing what, if any, the penalty might be for switching.
As I think about four copies of the play have been sold in the six? seven? eight? years I've been with him I doubt very much he could put up much resistance, but it required more of a mental effort than I was capable of making.
Instead, I went out and brought in enough wood to make a fire, decided that was much too much work, and retired to bed to catch up on New Yorkers. I'm up to Christmas.