Sunday, December 17, 2017

Saturn Trine Venus

So I gave up on the Christmas Cards and was going to spend today making New Year Cards but that doesn't seem to have happened. Marvelous and wonderful news is that Good Girl, who's been refusing to use a litter box since I got back from vacation a month ago, broke down and used it this afternoon for both functions. The relationship will continue. Iffy there for a while.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pluto Square Sun

How I can say I no longer have an interest in astrology when I go at least twice a week to see what my solar return chart would be like in 2019 or so if I stay in Silver or go to see my sister in Spain or John in Palm Springs and exactly WHEN my Progressed Sun will square natal Chiron I really don't know, but it's the truth.

I'm certainly no longer as obsessed as I was for many years, when I filled three-ring binder after three-ring binder with home-made calendars showing every transit for the day, complete with bi-monthly charts of new and full moons showing as bi-wheels against my own horoscope.

Still, here I am watching io sprite show Pluto is squaring my Sun right this very second and for the rest of the day, and have done my very best to honor it by telling myself I am NOT a playwright, NOT a writer and fully acknowledge I have to change my life.

Update Two Days Later:
Well now I feel pretty silly as absolutely nothing Plutonic manifested itself, even with Saturn squaring Chiron three hours after the Pluto aspect perfected.