Monday, May 15, 2017

Venus sextile Uranus

New friends? Not really. Spent most of the day playing with the house plants trying to root the string of pearls and string of hearts (both very Venusian haha) and then most of the rest of it wrapping a present for a new grad to take to her party. Lots of people and old friends but alas, no new 'uns.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Mental Discipline

AKA Saturn trine Mercury, and lo and behold, pitiful though it may seem, I managed to print out three photographs and send them as thank you cards - AND write notes and address the envelopes and put a stamp on each and get them to the post office. To this I have sunk, and I'm only half joking.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Mars Conjunct Uranus

This got off to a great start with me finally attempting to get the table John brought for me in March off the front porch and into the b&b room to be sanded and painted, but then I put on too much sunscreen, got it in my eyes and that was the end of activity for the day.