Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sun sextile Mars

So if I'm still in bed at 11am on a Sunday morning with this aspect in effect, the sun shining and plants outside that need watering do I *assume* I'm depressed, lazy or seventy-two years old?

Any feedback gratefully considered.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sun Square Pluto AND...

... Mars trine Neptune at the same time. Place your bets now as to which of these is going to win out.

Yesterday felt like Sun square Pluto with Centurylink down and forty-five minutes spent on the phone to get my dollar thirty-four credit.

Nothing like hearing "For faster service visit our website at" repeated every twenty seconds when the reason you're on the phone in the first place is because the Internet service they provide is nonfunctional. Also a treat to call both technical support numbers you've been given and hear automated messages telling you there's no problem.

No contest here though really as the slowest moving planet wins and after a brief bout of sorting through winter clothes and throwing out some Mars took over and I watched the last few confusing, badly-written and poorly-lit episodes of Bosch Season III on Amazon. Too boring to watch again to try to make sense of it so it's Stephen King for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sun Sextile Saturn

And a good thing too, with the airbnb room to get ready after being vacated by a house-sitter unfortunately unaware of Mrs. Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By. Perhaps a book-marked copy of The Water Babies casually left on the coffee table in there would have helped haha, but too late now. Shower tiles scrubbed with vinegar, toilet cleaned, bathroom floor swept, washed and sealed, most dog hair removed I hope, general waft around with the feather duster, fridge and microwave cleaned etc. etc. etc. and bedside rugs not even dry when airbnb peeps arrived, but no worries there and an eventual reward when tennis plans for evening cancelled due to gale-force winds and super host allowed to fall into bed and continue watching Bosch Season III.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Uranus Square Midheaven

Astrology strikes again, with this perfecting the day after I get back from a two-and-a-half eye-opening trip and spent the night in my own room after what seems like years. Something is afoot, as The Daily Mail and Lexulous no longer hold my interest as I'm almost ashamed to admit they have for so long.

Could it be the stirrings of ambition? Maybe, as on the plane yesterday a whole new beginning of the play I've been "working" on for six years came to me and I was compelled to jot it down on the back of my boarding pass haha. The logical next step is to open Final Draft and make the changes, which I shall do now and god willing return to this before another six weeks have passed.