Monday, May 30, 2016

Sun Conjunct Uranus

Well I don't usually open a bottle of beer at 2:00 pm and sit and watch television so I guess today is working out according to the old cosmic plan.

I do have to say in my defense (and I obviously feel this behaviour needs defending) that i) it's a holiday and ii) the French Open is on the Tennis Channel and not on Dish, meaning I can't access it on my computer, and as I've had a bnb guest over the weekend occupying the room where the sole TV in the household now resides...blah blah blah do I need to go on?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Transiting North Node to Jupiter

Money money money, except I have to work for it but what do I expect with a natal Jupiter in Virgo? I live to serve, that's my motto, and with a house twice the size I need I consider myself fortunate indeed those guys in San Francisco stuck an air mattress on the floor a couple of years ago and started a web site. Natal north node in Cancer doesn't hurt either.

It's been a bit hairier than I'd like with the current *planetary position* but you'd think I'd know by now if someone says they're arriving at five they're going to call at two and say can we come at three - I DO know but somehow lately haven't been able to act on it, and there's been a lot of scurrying around with the Windex and a dustpan and brush, but no one's complained and all those $116s for two nights add up.

That's only when there's an in and out on the same day, and with the current occupants here for another seven nights things *should* calm down a bit. I'm even optimistic enough to think that by the end of the week the back patio might look like a back patio and not like the yard at Restore. After all, if I'm posting on here, anything might happen.