Monday, March 28, 2016

.... Mercury Trined Uranus...

... I - let's make this short - responded to a posting looking for someone to practice Spanish with and drank three and a half beers.

And on the same day...

... as the Pizza Chena feast, proving once again that if there is a god he/she is possessed of a wicked sense of humour, the Sun trined Pluto for me and after lunch I spent the rest of the day in bed with a hangover from the day before, when......

Venus Opposed to Jupiter

Invited to an Easter Lunch and if I knew how to use my iPhone would post a photo of the spectacular Pizza Chena on the table. And of course, if I could remember how to make a link (!!!!!!!!), would do so to one of the many web pages I'm finding with recipes for said spectacular item of food. Pitiful, really.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Neptune Square Uranus

Unpleasant revelations? How about seeing a photograph of yourself eating breakfast the day before on *holiday* and looking unrecognizable - that is, looking pudding-faced, tired, toothless and OLD? Now THERE'S an unpleasant revelation you've been keeping from yourself.

Holy shit. I must be nearly seventy-one.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New Moon in Pisces Opposed to Jupiter

And not just the Jupiter Above, the one in my natal chart, and here I am, innocent optimistic soul that I am, attempting to make an appointment at the Genius Bar in Palm Springs to check the battery on my iPhone which seems to run down in about ten minutes.

Ah, the days when you could pick up the phone and call the store and say "Can I have an appointment at the Genius Bar, please".

No longer possible, of course; you now have to download the app - don't know WHICH app but you gotta download it - OR you can do the web crawl thing and tell lies and hope that after about twenty click throughs you'll get to something that might let you make the appointment. Might.